Upcoming Events and Trainings

 LDEQ Hosted Upcoming and Recent Events

Event: 2024 Louisiana Brownfields Conference 

Date: June 5-6, 2024

Location:  Docville Farm - 5124 E Street, E St. Bernard Highway, Violet, LA 70092  


Pulling out the Map: Brownfields 101: Rebecca Otte, LDEQ Brownfields Coordinator 

Finding Where to Start: Developing your Inventory of Brownfield Sites: Dr. John Sutherlin, Chief Innovation & Research Officer, University of Louisiana Monroe

Group Exercise: Developing an Inventory of Brownfield Sites: Scott Nightingale, Regional Director for EPA Region 6, Kansas State University Technical Assistance to Brownfields (KSU TAB) Program

Unlocking the Gate: Is Your Site a Good Fit for Brownfields Funding: Rebecca Otte, LDEQ Brownfields Coordinator 

Identifying Potential Hurdles and Determining What Road to Take: Performing a Phase I ESA: Leslie Etzel, Assistant Regional Director for EPA Region 6, KSU TAB and Rebecca Otte, LDEQ Brownfields Coordinator 

Phase I ESA Local Perspective: Beanlandia: Adam Tatar, Economic Develoment Manager / Brownfields Coordinator, Regional Planning Commission

Phase I ESA Local Perspective: Bottle Art Lofts: Ashlyn Holmes, LDEQ Brownfield Project Manager

Choose Your Own Adventure: Phase II Assessments, RECAP Investigations and Voluntary Remediation Investigations - What's the Difference and How to Choose: Jennifer Schatzle, LDEQ Brownfield and Voluntary Remediation Program Technical Liason

Navigating a RECAP Investigation under Brownfields: Jennifer Schatzle, LDEQ Brownfield and Voluntary Remediation Program Technical Liason and Ashlyn Holmes, LDEQ Brownfield Project Manager

Moving Forward with Cleanup Using Brownfield Funding: LDEQ Brownfield Team

Paying for the Journey: Brownfield Resources: EPA Targeted Brownfield Assessment (TBA) Program: Roxanne Welch, EPA Region 6 TBA Program

Paying for the Journey: Browfield Resources: LDEQ TBA: Rebecca Otte, LDEQ Brownfields Coordinator 

Getting the Lay of the Land: Brownfield Planning Activities to Support Redevlopment: Scott Nightingale, Director for EPA Region 6 TAB Program, KSU TAB Program and Leslie Etzel, Assistant Regional Director for EPA Region 6, KSU TAB 

Brownfield Partner Events

Event: EPA Region 6 Brownfields Conference  

Date: July 23-25, 2024

Time: Day 1: 12pm-4pm, Day 2: 8am-4pm, Day 3: 8am to 11am  

Location:  Renaissance Tower, 5th Floor, 1201 Elm Street, Dallas, TX 75270 

The EPA Region 6 Brownfields Program will be hosting the Regional Brownfields Conference in Dallas and welcomes you to come take a fresh new look on all things Brownfields. Session topics will include:

  • Brownfields Eligibility and Liability
  • Environmental Justice and Climate Change
  • Procurement Requirements
  • QMP and QAPP Standard Updates
  • Build America, Buy America Act
  • Marketing Your Brownfields Grants

Additionally, you will get a chance to meet with the EPA R6 Brownfields Team, network amongst other grantees and stakeholders, and enjoy downtown Dallas.

This Conference is free, but registration is required, so please be sure to register here

For information on building access, facilities, directions and parking options, please visit:

Event: EPA Brownfields Grant Writing Strategies

Dates: July 30-31, 2024

Time: 9:15am to 12:30pm EDT each day

Location:  Virtual

Kansas State University's Technical Assistance to Brownfields Program (KSU TAB) is hosting a free two-day workshop for entities interested in applying for an EPA Brownfields Grant. The workshop will highlight different sections of the grant guidelines followed by small group exercises. Register on KSU TAB's website HERE

Event: Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference   

Date: October 9-11, 2024

Location:  Hyatt Regency, St. Louis, MO

Join the Center for Community Progress to learn about how to transform vacant properties in your communities into vibrant places. The RVP Conference uplifts innovative solutions that disrupt the cycle of vacancy to advance community revitilization. 

Event: PastForward National Preservation Conference 

Date: October 28-30, 2024

Location:  Sheraton New Orleans, 500 Canal St., New Orleans, LA 70130

PastForward 2024 will kick off a celebration of the 75th anniversary of the National Trust and the evolving practice of preservation in one of the country’s most historic cities. Joining them will be the Preservation Resource Center of New Orleans celebrating its 50th anniversary, Main Street Louisiana marking its 40th anniversary, and the National Center for Preservation Trades and Technology founded 30 years ago. The PastFoward 2024 Conference will focus on three of our nation’s biggest challenges: Creating Climate Resilience Through Historic Preservation, Ensuring a Representative Preservation Movement, and Encouraging Historic Preservation-Based Community Development.

LDEQ Past Events & Recordings

Event: 2023 Louisiana Brownfields Conference 

Date: October 25-26, 2023

Location:  Convention Hall - 915 3rd Street, Alexandria, LA


Brownfield Basic Training: 

Brownfields 101: Rebecca Otte, LDEQ

LDEQ’s Environmental Process: Jennifer Schatzle, LDEQ

Local Intelligence: City of Alexandria’s Brownfield Program: Shirley Branham, Administrator of Community Development, City of Alexandria

Assessing the Situation: The Ins and Outs of Brownfield Inventories: Chad LaComb, Senior Economic Development Planner, Acadiana Planning Commission

LaMATS and Brownfields: Cliff Palmer, Executive Director, LaMATS

Developing a Strategy: Prioritizing Brownfield Projects: Scott Nightingale, KSU TAB

Revitalizing Main Street: All Hands on Deck to Attract Development to Your Community: Amanda Lanata, Louisiana Main Street, Dept. of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Office of the Lt. Governor

Local Main Street Perspective: Jill Leo, Director, Natchitoches Main Street

EPA Acronym Update: MARC Grants, EJ & TA: Michael Kennedy, Project Officer, USEPA Region 6 Brownfields Team

Navigating Brownfield Funding: What Brownfield Resource is Right for Your Community: Amy Yersavich & Scott Nightingale, KSU TAB

Pump Up Your Grant Proposal! Amy Yersavich & Scott Nightingale, KSU TAB

Funding Resources for Redevelopment: Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: Leslie Durham, Executive Director, LITACorp

Leveraging Brownfield Resources: Partnering for Success: Ashley Badesch, Sustainable Strategies / KSU TAB Partner

Setting up the Mess Hall: Resources for Food-Related Reuses:

EPA Smart Growth: Michael Kennedy, Project Officer, USEPA Region 6 Brownfields Team

USDA Wholesale Markets & Facility Design: Ron Batcher, AIA, Lead Architect, USDA

The Ins and Outs of Eligibility: Rebecca Otte, LDEQ Brownfield Coordinator

Adjudicated Properties: Tips and Tricks for Unlocking their Potential: Karen White, Executive Counsel, Louisiana Municipal Association

Event: 2022 Louisiana Brownfields Conference 

Date: October 5 & 6, 2022

Location:  Terrebonne Parish Library - North Branch, 4130 West Park Avenue, Gray, LA, 70359

Presentations:  under "Resources"

Event: StoryMaps Webinar: Conveying your Brownfields Story

Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2021


Looking for an effective way to communicate your Brownfields Program to community groups, elected officials, and other Brownfields stakeholders? Join our dynamic panel discussion with three successful Brownfields Programs that have effectively employed StoryMaps to engage their community and promote their programs. Learn how this tool can help build momentum for your Brownfields Program and market your resources to developers and community organizations to facilitate the reuse of blighted properties.

Featured Panelists:

  • Savannah Richards, New Mexico Environmental Department – StoryMap
  • Madeline Dillner, Oklahoma Corporation Commission - StoryMap
  • Alicia Wiltz, Acadiana Planning Commission 

Event: 2021 RECAP Training Series: Webinar No.  1: Soil Sampling Best Practices 

Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2021


Join Keith Horn, Senior Environmental Scientist with LDEQ's Remediation Division, as he outlines soil sampling best practices for RECAP investigations including common soil sampling issues and RECAP requirements that apply to soil sampling events. Learn how to ensure your sampling events conform to DEQ’s regulations and properly characterize your site to facilitate future development. 

Event: 2021 RECAP Training Series: Webinar No. 2: Back to Basics

Date: Tuesday, July 13, 2021


Join Dr. June Sutherlin, Toxicologist, for this informative presentation on LDEQ's Risk Evaluation/Corrective Action Program (RECAP) where she'll lay the groundwork for RECAP-compliant investigations and reports with special attention to data analysis. Don't miss this opportunity to come up to speed on RECAP or sharpen your existing RECAP skills with this extended training! 

Event: 2021 RECAP Training Series: Webinar No. 3: Developing an Effective Sampling Plan

Date: Tuesday, August 10, 2021


LDEQ Environmental Senior Scientist Keith Horn will review how to effectively develop a sampling plan for a RECAP investigation. Join this interactive webinar to ensure your sampling event meets LDEQ requirements to reduce the cost and time it takes to resample a site.

Event: 2021 RECAP Training Series: Webinar No. 4: Common Mistakes, Misconceptions, & Compliance Issues

Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2021


Looking for ways to facilitate the review and approval of your RECAP submittals? Attend this webinar where Dr. June Sutherlin, Toxicologist, will review some of the common mistakes, misconceptions, and compliance issues with RECAP investigations and report submittals. Ensure your work plans and reports check all of LDEQ's boxes!  

 Event: 2021 RECAP Training Series: Webinar No.  5: The Ins and Outs of the VRP

Date: Tuesday, November 9, 2021


LDEQ's Voluntary Remediation Program (VRP) is a useful tool to facilitate the cleanup of sites throughout Louisiana. Join Jennifer Schatzle, LDEQ's Brownfields and VRP Technical Liaison, for an overview of the VRP including:

  • How is the VRP different from a traditional investigation?
  • What sites would benefit from the VRP?
  • What are the advantages and considerations of enrolling a site into the VRP?
  • Who's eligible to apply?  


Recordings of Past Events: 


 Brownfields Partner Events

Have a Brownfields-related event in Louisiana you would like included in our newsletter? Email event information to