Triennial Review

What is the Triennial Review?

Federal regulations require that states hold public hearings at least once every three years to review applicable surface water quality standards and, as appropriate, adopt new or modified standards, taking into consideration public concerns, EPA guidance, and new scientific and technical information. This process is called a triennial review. The triennial review also provides an opportunity to discuss the priorities and commitments the agency makes with EPA and others regarding surface water quality standards.

The Environmental Regulatory Code version of LAC 33:IX, Water Quality, Subpart 1. Water Pollution Control, Chapter 11 Surface Water Quality Standards, can be accessed electronically at: 



The Current Triennial Review

The current triennial review cycle started on March 20, 2024. Updates related to this triennial review cycle will be posted on this webpage and in the Louisiana Register.  The public hearing was held on April 30, 2024, with the comment period ending on May 7, 2024.  The Department is reviewing and addressing all submitted comments.

The Report of Findings document is being drafted, containing a review of all water quality standards efforts, responses to public comments, and a determination whether revisions to Louisiana Surface Water Quality Standards are needed.  After completion of this document, the Department will issue a potpourri notice in the Louisiana Register to announce its finalization and this webpage will be updated to include a link it the document.

Please e-mail WQ.Standards@la.gov if you have any questions related to the triennial review.