Monthly Regulation Changes 2010

REG Title/LA Administrative Code Citation Publication Date Status Hearing Date Comment Deadline
SW054 Emergency Response Standards for Solid Waste Facilities (LAC 33:VII.115, 513, 521, 711, 713, 715, 717, 721, 723 and 725) (SW054)
See Final Rule in June 2011
12/20/2010 Proposed 1/26/2011 2/2/2011
AQ300 Criteria Pollutant Emissions Inventory (LAC 33:III.111, 311, 501, 605, 918, 919, 1513, 2115, 2139, 2141, 2153, and 5107) (AQ300) 11/19/2010 Proposed 12/29/2010 1/5/2010
AQ311ft Prevention of Significant Deterioration (Significance Level for Direct PM2.5 Emissions) (LAC 33:III.509.B) (AQ311ft) 11/19/2010 Final Expired Expired
MM013 Miscellaneous Amendments and Corrections (LAC 33:I.903, 1905, 1909, 1911, 3925; III.502; V.109, 4489, 4901; VII.303; XV.588) (MM013) 11/19/2010 Final Expired Expired
MM014ft Incorporation by Reference - 2009 (LAC 33:III.506) (MM014ft)
Editor's Note: Section 506 was repromulgated to correct a citation error.
11/19/2010 Repromulgated Expired Expired
AQ312 Exemption for Tanks Storing Corrosive Materials (LAC 33:III.2103) (AQ312) 10/20/2010 Final Expired Expired
MM014ft Incorporation by Reference-2009 (LAC 33:I.3931; III.506, 507, 2160, 3003, 5116, 5122, 5311, 5901; V.3099; IX.2301, 4901, 4903; and XV.1599) (MM014ft)
Repromulgated November 2010
10/20/2010 Final Expired Expired
WQ080 Revision of the Drinking Water Source Use (LAC 33:IX.Chapter 11) (WQ080) 10/20/2010 Final Expired Expired
AQ314ft Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Tailoring Rule (LAC 33:III.502.A & 509.B) (AQ314ft)
See Final Rule in April 2011 Repromulgated in May 2011
10/20/2010 Proposed 11/24/2010 11/24/2010
WQ082 Removal of Pesticide Application Exemption from LPDES Permitting Requirements (LAC 33:IX.2315.A.8.a-b) (WQ082)
See Final Rule in February 2011
9/20/2010 Proposed 10/27/2010 11/3/2010
AQ307 Organic Solvents and Solvent Degreasers (LAC 33:III.111 and 2123) AQ307 8/20/2010 Final Expired Expired
RP051ft Miscellaneous Amendments for NRC Compatibility (LAC 33:XV.102, 328, 713, and 763 (RP051ft) 8/20/2010 Final Expired Expired
WQ079 Spill Prevention and Control (Title 33, Part IX, Subpart 1, Chapter 9) WQ079 8/20/2010 Final Expired Expired
MM013 Miscellaneous Amendments and Corrections (LAC 33:I.903, 1905, 1909, 1911, 3925; III:502; V.109, 4489, 4901; VII:303; XV:588) (MM013)
See final rule in November 2010
8/20/2010 Proposed 9/28/2010 10/5/2010
AQ312 Exemption for Tanks Storing Corrosive Materials (LAC 33:III.2103.G) (AQ312)
(See Final Rule - October 2010)
7/20/2010 Proposed 8/25/2010 9/1/2010
MM014ft Incorporation by Reference - 2009 (LAC 33:I.3931; III.506, 507, 2160, 3003, 5116, 5122, 5311, 5901; V.3099; IX.2301, 4901, 4903; XV.1599) (MM014ft)
(See Final Rule - October 2010)
7/20/2010 Proposed 8/25/2010 8/25/2010
WQ080 Revision of the Drinking Water Source Use (LAC 33:IX, Chapter 11) (WQ080)
(See Final Rule - October 2010)
7/20/2010 Proposed 8/25/2010 9/1/2010
AQ299 Regulatory Permits for Cement and Concrete Facilities (LAC 33:III.315) (AQ299) 7/20/2010 Final Expired Expired
AQ309 Gasoline Handling (LAC 33:III.2131) (AQ309) 7/20/2010 Final Expired Expired
HW106 HW Tanks - Secondary Containment Requirements and 90 Day Turnover of Hazardous Waste (LAC 33:V.109, 1109, 1901, 1907, 1909, and 4437) (HW106)
This rule is being repromulgated to correct typographical errors and a citation error. The original Rule may be viewed on pages 1234-1239 of the June 20, 2010 edition of the Louisiana Register.
7/20/2010 Repromulgation Expired Expired
MM012 DEQ Notifications to State Police (LAC 33:I.3913, 3915, 3917, 3923, 3925; VII.315, 713; XI.713) 6/21/2010 Final Expired Expired
HW106 HW Tanks: Secondary Containment Requirements and 90 Day Turnover of Hazardous Waste (LAC 33:V.109, 1109, 1901, 1907, 1909, and 4437) (HW106) 6/21/2010 Final Expired Expired
OS085 Reportable Quantity for Brine from Solution Mining (LAC 33:I.3905 and 3931) (OS085) 6/21/2010 Final Expired Expired
AQ310 Control of Emissions of Smoke (LAC 33:III.1101, 1106 and 1107) (AQ310)
See Final Rule in April 2011
6/21/2010 Proposed 7/28/2010 8/4/2010
AQ311ft Prevention of Significant Deterioration (Significance Level for Direct PM2.5 Emissions) (LAC 33:III.509.B)
See Final Rule - November 2010
6/21/2010 Proposed 7/28/2010 7/28/2010
WQ079 Spill Prevention and Control (Title 33, Part IX, Subpart 1, Chapter 9) (WQ079)
See Final Rule August 2010
4/20/2010 Proposed 05/26/2010 06/02/2010
AQ307 Organic Solvents and Solvent Degreasers (LAC 33:III.111 and 2123)
See Final Rule August 2010
3/20/2010 Proposed 4/28/2010 5/5/2010
AQ309 Gasoline Handling (LAC 33:III.2131)
(See Final Rule July 2010)
3/20/2010 Proposed 4/28/2010 5/5/2010
HW106 HW Tanks: Secondary Containment Requirements and 90 Day Turnover of Hazardous Waste (LAC 33:V.109, 1109, 1901, 1907, 1909, and 4437)
(See Final Rule June 2010) (Repromulgated July 2010)
3/20/2010 Proposed 4/28/2010 5/5/2010
OS085 Reportable Quantity for Brine from Solution Mining (LAC 33:I.3905 and 3931)
(See Final Rule June 2010)
3/20/2010 Proposed 4/28/2010 5/5/2010
1003Pot1 Standard Fees for Solid Waste Transporters 3/20/2010 Potpourri None None
UT017 Training Requirements for Underground Storage Tank System Operators (LAC 33:XI.601, 603, 605, 607, 609, and 611) 2/19/2010 Final Expired Expired
1002Pot1 Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Title V Applicability (LAC 33:III) 2/19/2010 Potpourri None 3/31/2010
MM012 DEQ Notifications to State Police (LAC 33:I.3913, 3915, 3917, 3923, 3925; VII.315, 713; XI.713)
(See Final Rule June 2010)
2/19/2010 Proposed 3/30/2010 4/6/2010
AQ299 Regulatory Permits for Cement and Concrete Facilities (LAC 33:III.317)
(See Final Rule July 2010)
2/19/2010 Proposed 3/30/2010 4/6/2010
1002Pot2 Termination Determination of CAAA Section 185 Penalty Fees - State Implementation Plan Revision 2/19/2010 Potpourri 3/30/2010 3/30/2010
AQ305 Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) [LAC 33:III.2201; 2202] 1/20/2010 Final Expired Expired
1001Pot1 Technical Review of Working Drafts of Waste Permits 1/20/2010 Potpourri None None