Advance Program for Ozone and PM2.5

The Advance Program is a collaborative effort between EPA, states, tribes, and local governments. The program encourages expeditious emission reductions in ozone attainment areas to help these areas continue to meet the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ground-level ozone as well as particulate matter PM2.5.

Ozone Forecast

The program goals include:

  • Helping attainment areas reduce emissions in order to ensure continued health protection,
  • Assisting areas to be in a better position to remain in attainment, and
  • Efficiently directing  resources toward actions to address ozone or PM2.5 problems quickly.  

Beginning in the summer of 2012, DEQ has made presentations through local planning districts and Chambers of Commerce in those areas of the state where participation in the Advance Program could make the greatest impact.  The planning district, metropolitan planning organization and metropolitan statistical area boundaries are not consistent.  Click Here for a map that overlays the various boundaries.

Please click on one of the broad geographic locations below for more information about the Advance Program activities in that area:

Example emission reduction projects
Vancouver, B.C. Nonroad Engine Registration Project

February 26, 2013 Workshop      
On February 26, 2013, DEQ sponsored a workshop for all of th Advance Program participants.  Representatives from DEQ, EPA, DNR and the Clean Cities organization gave presentations and lead small group discussion on topics of interest to the program participants.

EPA Advance Program Presentation by Laura Bunte

February 26, 2013 Workshop Attendees 

DEQ has created a Topic File within the Electronic Document Management System where Ozone Advance related documents are filed.  The AI# is 182673. 

For more information you can also visit the EPA website: