ERIC is open for RY2024, but may be unavailable from 3pm Friday, February 14 - Sunday, February 16th for a system update.
Common Questions
If you have any issues, please contact ERIC staff at
Last Updated: 2/4/2025 @ 1:40pm CST
About the Emissions Inventory Program
The Emissions Inventory Unit of the Air Quality Assessment Division is responsible for developing comprehensive criteria and toxic pollutant emissions inventories for the State of Louisiana. The emissions data are used for a variety of planning, regulatory and reporting purposes. The staff works closely with the regulated community, trade groups, and other state and federal agencies to develop and maintain high quality and current emissions data
Regulated point sources of criteria air pollutants must submit an inventory of annual criteria pollutant emissions pursuant to the requirements of LAC 33:III.919. Detailed annual emissions data are maintained on point sources going back to 1991, with the number of point sources changing each year.
In 2007, historical emissions data was migrated into a new web-based reporting system called ERIC - Emissions Reporting & Inventory Center. ERIC's functionality includes a query tool for use by the public.
Current Reporting Year Guidance & Updates
EPA Particulate Matter Emissions Summary Sheet - EPA requirements and information on reporting filterable and condensable particulate matter
SignUp for Virtual ERIC 101 Training
ERIC 101 Training Presentation RY2023
Useful Tools and Guidance Documents
ERIC User Manual | Public Reports | Emissions Inventory FAQs |
Prior Year Resources | FacUpdate Request Form | ERIC Training |
LAC 33.III.919 - Excerpt of LAC Title 33 Environmental Quality Air Regulations.
Getting Started - Step by Step guidance on creating an ERIC user account and gaining access to a facility.
ERIC Staff Parish Assignments - Who to directly contact with ERIC questions.
Instructions for Submitting an Inventory with Zero Emissions - Step by step guidance on creating and submitting an inventory with no emissions.
Using Online Sources to Determine Coordinates - Guidance is provided on how to capture latitude and longitude information from online sources.
Release From Reporting -Facilities only need to report if they have a requirement during the calendar year. Once there is no longer a requirement to report for a full calendar year, a request for release is no longer needed.
Editing the Facility Status in ERIC - Guidance is provided to illustrate how to set the facility status in ERIC.
EPA Source Classification Codes (SCC) - The full, current list of EPA SCC codes is provided with instructions on how to identify the correct SCC code for your process.
EPA National Emissions Inventory (NEI) - The NEI contains the criteria pollutant emissions inventories for all states and also offers useful information about emission inventory requirements and data.
EPA Emissions Factors Information - Information about and listings of emissions factors provided by EPA.
Valid NAICS codes
Valid ERIC SCC codes
SCCs requiring Heat Content
List of ERIC Pollutants with Toxic Class and VOC Identifier
Request Variance for Late ERIC Submittal
Contact by telephone please refer to the Staff Assignment List or email
Please be sure to include the Facility AI number in any email or voice mail messages sent to the staff regarding ERIC.
For postal mail:
Air Planning and Assessment Division
Emissions Inventory Unit
P. O. Box 4314
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4314
For delivery or non-postal carrier:
Air Planning and Assessment Division
Emissions Inventory Unit
602 N. 5th St.
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
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