Monthly Regulation Changes 2016

REG Title/LA Administrative Code Citation Publication Date Status Hearing Date Comment Deadline
HW119ft Hazardous Waste Exclusions for Coal Combustion Residuals(LAC 33:V.105) (HW119ft) 12/20/2016 Final Expired Expired
HW120ft Repeal Exclusion of Comparable Fuels and Syngas Fuel(LAC 33:V.105, 109 and 4909) (HW120ft) 12/20/2016 Final Expired Expired
HW121 Name Change for Hazardous Waste Delisting - Denka Performance Elastomers LLC (LAC 33:V.4999.Appendix E) (HW121) 12/20/2016 Final Expired Expired
AQ366 Operating Time of Emergency Engines (LAC 33:III.311) (AQ366)
See Proposed Rule August 2016.
11/20/2016 Final Expired Expired
1611Pot1 Substantive Changes to Proposed Rule AQ364 Work Practice Standards During Start-up and Shutdown (LAC 33:III.2201.C, I, and K) (AQ364S) 11/20/2016 Potpourri 12/28/2016 12/28/2016
OS093 Reportable Quantity List for Pollutants (LAC 33:I.3905 and 3931) (OS093) See Original Proposed Rule December 2015. 11/20/2016 Final Expired Expired
AQ364S Work Practice Standards During Start-up and Shutdown (LAC 33:III.2201.C and K) (AQ364S)
See Original Proposed Rule June 2016.
11/20/2016 Proposed Substantive Changes 12/28/2016 12/28/2016
1611Pot2 State Implementation Plan for Regional Haze Program Electrical Generating Units BART (1611Pot2) 11/20/2016 Potpourri N/A 12/30/2016
AQ367 Recordkeeping for Sources Exempt from Air Permitting Requirements (LAC 33:III.501.B.2.e) (AQ367) 11/20/2016 Proposed 12/28/2016 1/4/2017
1610Pot1 State Implementation Plan for Regional Haze Program Electrical Generating Units BART (1610Pot1) 10/20/2016 Potpourri N/A 12/14/2016
AQ360 Repeal of LAC 33:III.1507.A and B (LAC 33:III.1507.A and B)(AQ360) 10/20/2016 Final Expired Expired
AQ361 Repeal of LAC 33:III.1107.A (LAC 33:III.1105.A and 1107.A) (AQ361) 10/20/2016 Final Expired Expired
AQ362 Repeal of LAC 33:III.2153.B.1.i (LAC 33:III.2153.B.1.i) (AQ362) 10/20/2016 Final Expired Expired
AQ363 Repeal of LAC 33:III.2307.C (LAC 33:III.2307.C)(AQ363) 10/20/2016 Final Expired Expired
HW119ft Hazardous Waste Exclusions for Coal Combustion Residuals(LAC 33:V.105) (HW119ft) 9/20/2016 Proposed 10/26/2016 10/26/2016
HW120ft Repeal Exclusion of Comparable Fuels and Syngas Fuel(LAC 33:V.105, 109 and 4909) (HW120ft) 9/20/2016 Proposed 10/26/2016 10/26/2016
1608Pot1 Substantive Changes to Proposed Rule OS093 Reportable Quantity List for Pollutants(LAC 33:I.3905, 3917, and 3931) (Log #OS093S2)(1608Pot1) 8/20/2016 Potpourri 09/28/2016 09/28/2016
AQ365 Emmission Reduction Credits (ERC) from Mobile Sources (LAC 33:III.603, 605, 606, 607, 611, 617 and 619) (AQ365) 8/20/2016 Proposed 09/28/2016 10/05/2016
AQ366 Operating Time of Emergency Engines (LAC 33:III.311) (AQ366) 8/20/2016 Proposed 09/28/2016 10/05/2016
HW121 Name Change for Hazardous Waste Delisting - Denka Performance Elastomers LLC (LAC 33:V.4999.Appendix E) (HW121) 8/20/2016 Proposed 09/28/2016 10/05/2016
OS093S2 Reportable Quantity List for Pollutants (LAC 33:I.3905 and 3931) (OS093S) See 1604Pot1 - See Original Proposed Rule December 2015 - See First Substantive Changes OS093S April 2016. 8/20/2016 Proposed Substantive Changes 09/28/2016 09/28/2016
AQ359ft 2015 Annual Incorporation by Reference of Certain Federal Air Quality Regulations(LAC 33:III.506, 507, 2160, 3003, 5116, 5311 & 5901)(AQ359ft) 7/20/2016 Final Expired Expired
1607Pot1 Proposed State Implementation Plan (SIP) Revisions (1607Pot1) 7/20/2016 Potpourri 08/25/2016 08/25/2016
1607Pot2 Contiguous or Adjacent Properties in the Oil and Natural Gas Sector (1607Pot2) 7/20/2016 Potpourri N/A N/A
AQ360 Repeal of LAC 33:III.1507.A and B (LAC 33:III.1507.A and B)(AQ360) 6/20/2016 Proposed 07/27/2016 08/03/2016
AQ363 Repeal of LAC 33:III.2307.C (LAC 33:III.2307.C)(AQ363) 6/20/2016 Proposed 07/27/2016 08/03/2016
AQ364 Work Practice Standards During Start-up and Shutdown(LAC 33:III.2201.C and K)(AQ364) 6/20/2016 Proposed 07/27/2016 08/03/2016
WQ092 Recreational Water Quality Criteria for Louisiana Coastal Beach Recreation Waters(LAC 33:IX.107, 1105, 1113, 1117 and 1123.C.2.a and b, and E. Table 3 and ENDNOTE 25) (WQ092) 5/20/2016 Final Expired Expired
WQ094 Electronic Submittal of Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) (LAC 33:IX.2701) (WQ094) 5/20/2016 Final Expired Expired
1604Pot1 Substantive Changes to Proposed Rule OS093 Reportable Quantity List for Pollutants(LAC 33:I.3905, 3917, and 3931)(Log #OS093S) 4/20/2016 Potpourri 05/25/2016 05/25/2016
AQ358 Definitions of Major Source and Major Stationary Source Relative to Greenhouse Gases(LAC 33:III.502.A and 509.B) (AQ358) 4/20/2016 Final Expired Expired
HW117ft Hazardous Waste Electronic Manifest Rule(LAC 33:V.109, 1107, 1301, 1307 and 1516) (HW117ft) 4/20/2016 Final Expired Expired
AQ359ft 2015 Annual Incorporation by Reference of Certain Federal Air Quality Regulations(LAC 33:III.506, 507, 2160, 3003, 5116, 5311 and 5901)(AQ359ft) 4/20/2016 Proposed 05/25/2016 05/25/2016
AQ361 Repeal of LAC 33:III.1107.A (LAC 33:III.1105.A and 1107.A) (AQ361) 4/20/2016 Proposed 05/25/2016 06/01/2016
AQ362 Repeal of LAC 33:III.2153.B.1.i (LAC 33:III.2153.B.1.i) (AQ362) 4/20/2016 Proposed 05/25/2016 06/01/2016
OS093S Reportable Quantity List for Pollutants (LAC 33:I.3905 and 3931) (OS093S) See 1604Pot1 - See Original Proposed Rule December 2015. 4/20/2016 Proposed Substantive Changes 05/25/2016 05/25/2016
AQ 355 Offset Requirements in Specified Parishes(LAC 33:III.504)(AQ355) 3/20/2016 Final Expired Expired
AQ 357ft Deletion of the Significant Monitoring Concentration for PM2.5 (LAC 33:III.509)(AQ357ft) 3/20/2016 Final Expired Expired
1603Pot1 Baton Rouge Nonattainment Area Redesignation Request and 2008 8 Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard Maintenance Plan (1603Pot1) 3/20/2016 Potpourri N/A 04/29/2016
1603Pot2 LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY(LDEQ) NOTICE OF CLEAN POWER PLAN LISTENING SESSION (1603Pot2) The listening session will be held on Thursday, March 31, 2016, beginning at 10:00 a.m. and lasting until 3:00 p.m., in the Oliver Pollock and Pensacola Rooms of the Galvez Building. 3/20/2016 Potpourri N/A N/A
WQ092 Recreational Water Quality Criteria for Louisiana Coastal Beach Recreation Waters(LAC 33:IX.107, 1105, 1113, 1117 and 1123.C.2.a and b, and E. Table 3 and ENDNOTE 25) (WQ092) 2/20/2016 Proposed 3/30/2016 4/6/2016
WQ094 Electronic Submittal of Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) (LAC 33:IX.2701) (WQ094) 2/20/2016 Proposed 3/30/2016 4/6/2016
OS088 Expedited Penalty Agreement (LAC 33:I.801, 805 and 807) (OS088)
See Proposed Rule in November 2015.
2/20/2016 Final Expired Expired
SW062 Waste Tire Regulation Revisions (LAC 33:VII. 10501, 10503, 10505, 10507, 10509, 10511, 10513, 10514, 10515, 10516, 10517, 10518, 10519, 10521, 10523, 10524, 10525, 10527, 10529, 10531, 10532, 10533, 10534, 10535, 10536, 10537, 10539, 10541, 10543, 11101, 11103) (SW062)
See Proposed Rule in November 2015.
2/20/2016 Final Expired Expired
AQ 358 Definitions of Major Source and Major Stationary Source Relative to Greenhouse Gases(LAC 33:III.502.A and 509.B) (AQ358) 1/20/2016 Proposed 02/25/2016 03/03/2016
HW117ft Hazardous Waste Electronic Manifest Rule(LAC 33:V.109, 1107, 1301, 1307 and 1516) (HW117ft) 1/20/2016 Proposed 02/25/2016 02/25/2016
1601Pot1 Notice of Public Hearing and Request for Comments to Initiate Triennial Review of Louisiana Water Quality Standards 1/20/2016 Potpourri 03/30/2016 03/30/2016